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Rebecca, RVN CertVNECC CertAVN (Anaesthesia)

Rebecca qualified from Myerscough College in 2017 as a Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN).

She has since earned postgraduate qualifications in Emergency and Critical Care (CertVNECC) and Anaesthesia (CertAVN). Currently pursuing a master’s degree in Advanced Veterinary Nursing, Rebecca specializes in anaesthesia, surgical nursing, and pain management.

With extensive experience in referral orthopaedics, anaesthesia, ECC, and imaging, she now works as a locum and part-time lecturer at Myerscough College. Rebecca also delivers in-house CPD across the UK and Channel Islands.

In her spare time, she enjoys watching Manchester United, spending time with her Springer Spaniel Alfie, and attending music events.

Scheduled Events

Anaesthesi-aaahh! Anaesthesia for RVNs

Master the latest anaesthesia techniques with our in-depth in house  CPD covering everything from admit to recovery!


Enhance your skills in emergency and critical care with our in house CPR CPD day which includes a 30-45 minute practical session!

Vet SOS: Saving Lives With Emergency Ultrasound and CPR Mastery

Join myself and Dr Caroline Taylor BSc (Hons) BVetMed PGCert(SAM) AFHEA MRCVS for a full day event packed full of practical workshops!


From £395

Insights and Experiences in Veterinary Nursing Blog

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